Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm back.

And I love the internet.

Now just to remember all those things that I wanted to post over the last weeks...

Saturday, April 03, 2010


Phone and internet are moved.

As seems to be so often the case here, there is a large amount of gnashing of teeth, umming and arrr-ing, asking for documents, checking this and that, and then suddenly it's done.

Good news, anyway. Now I can go back to what I was doing today, which was absolutely nothing...

Friday, April 02, 2010


Trying to move my phone and internet to new apartment. After five different calls and almost an hour on the phone, I find out that "They" will have to call me back tomorrow.

Guess I'm not going away for the weekend now.

I want to go home. Here is not home.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

I can't remember

how many years it is since I left my bike at a bike shop to have work done on it...

One of the joys of being a card-carrying bike geek is that you get to do all your bike maintenance and repairs at home while drinking beer. This has multiple benefits, including getting tyre marks on the walls, grease on the floor and so-on.

Anyway...I've been riding so much lately that my old (and previously unmentioned) knee injury has flared up again - I think actually that it was stirred up again by soccer at school, and just not allowed to recover due to excessive riding - and so I am trying to stay off the bike for as close to a week as I can stand. One way to make this easier was to remove said bike from my presence which meant it gets a trip to the bike health-retreat where it'll have its fork lovingly overhauled, and the rear hub adjusted (which I can do myself but am just too lazy...).

If feels weird to pay someone else to work on my bike after so long, but the fork overhaul is beyond my humble skills and the timing is good. One other cool thing was wheeling it into the bike shop Kato-Cycle, the biggest shop in Japan with all the latest and greatest whizzbang bikes on display, and feeling that MY BIKE was nicer than most of the bikes there! At least, I think so. Or at least AS nice. For me.

In other news, the move to the new apartment is going well - 80% moved, I guess. I just have the kitchen, washing machine, bedding and dining table to go, which will be one trip in my van hopefully. It's such a nice apartment, and while I like my current digs, I think the newness and brightness of the new place is going to do a lot to help my mood. Or at least I'll still be miserable, but in a much nicer place.

It's win-win, really.

(I'm not really miserable, just bored and a bit lonely as it's spring break which is turning out to be very quiet, and I'm trying to save money now that I have A PLAN - see 'The Big Decision' below.)

Also found out that after a half-day of 'work' on Monday morning, I have another full week off before school starts...hope the knee is better by then...and that it's warmer...